Policy Analysis on the Implementation Curriculum Management in Labour Workforce 
Ali Mukti Tanjung1
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia Medan 
Email : alimuktitanjung445@gmail.com

This study seeks to comprehend the planning and development of the Independent Curriculum in middle and high schools in Medan. Additionally, it aims to investigate the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in these institutions and its impact on the quality of learning and student outcomes. The study also endeavors to identify the primary obstacles and challenges encountered by teachers, students, and schools in the execution of the Merdeka Curriculum in Medan. Furthermore, it aims to analyze the factors influencing the effectiveness of curriculum implementation. The research methodology employed is an evaluative approach. The methodology employed in this study is the CIPPO method, encompassing context, input, process, product, and output. The data is presented qualitatively through narrative descriptions with accompanying descriptive percentages. Analytical techniques involve tabulation and qualitative analysis. Based on the outcomes of data analysis, it is discerned that the planning and development of the Independent Curriculum in Middle and High Schools in Medan have proceeded smoothly, aligning seamlessly with established criteria. The execution of the Independent Curriculum in middle and high schools in Medan has been generally successful; however, a few minor obstacles persist, impeding its seamless implementation. The primary challenge encountered by teachers, students, and schools in implementing the Independent Curriculum in Medan stems from insufficient facilities and infrastructure, particularly in schools situated in remote areas. This factor significantly affects the overall effectiveness of curriculum implementation. The research novelty resides in delineating the distinctive aspects of planning and executing the Merdeka curriculum within resource-constrained environments. The study delves into perceived obstacles and elucidates strategies aimed at surmounting challenges, thereby facilitating the effective implementation of the Merdeka curriculum in such settings.
Keywords: Curriculum, evaluation, implementation, independent learning, obstacles

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Rice Import Policy: Assessing the Income of Farmers from Agriculture in Indonesia 
Ali Mukti Tanjung1
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia, Medan –Indonesia1
Email : alimuktitanjung445@gmail.com1 
Didin Muhafidin2 
Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung –Indonesia2
Email : didin.muhafidin@gmail.com2

The amelioration of farmers’ well-being constitutes a pivotal concern on a global scale, necessitating the conscientious attention of seasoned regulatory authorities and recent scholarly investigations. This article thus delves into an examination of the ramifications of rice import policies, encompassing facets such as rice importation, domestic rice production, and international trade, with a particular focus on their influence on the income of farmers in Indonesia. To discern patterns and interdependencies, the study incorporates population and economic growth as control variables for predicting farmers’ income. Employing secondary data extracted from the World Development Indicators (WDI) and Statista spanning the years 1991-2022, the article adopts the dynamic autoregressive distributed lag (DARDL) approach to scrutinize the relationships among the aforementioned variables. The empirical findings illuminate a negative correlation between rice imports and farmers’ income, signifying a potentially adverse impact. Conversely, rice production, international trade, population, and economic growth exhibit positive associations with farmers’ income in the Indonesian context. These outcomes furnish valuable insights for regulatory bodies, guiding them in formulating policies geared towards augmenting farmers’ income. Such initiatives may encompass the implementation of constraints on rice imports, alongside endeavours to enhance domestic rice production and facilitate international trade.
Keywords: Rice Import, Rice Production, International Trade, Population Growth, Farmers’ Income, Economic Growth

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The Impact of The Policy of Increased Business and Property 
Tax on The Increase in the Poverty Rate in Indonesia
Ali Mukti Tanjung1*, Didin Muhafidin2
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia Medan, Indonesia1
Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia2
*Corresponding Author Email : alimuktitanjung445@gmail.com1

The escalation of the poverty rate has emerged as a significant concern, intensifying over time and necessitating attention from contemporary research endeavours and policymakers. Consequently, this current study scrutinizes the ramifications of various business taxes, namely export tax, profit tax, goods and services tax, international trade tax, capital gain tax, and property tax, on the poverty rate in Indonesia. Employing the World Development Indicators (WDI), this article extracts secondary data spanning the period from 1991 to 2022. Additionally, the research employs the Dynamic Auto-regressive Distributed Lags (DARDL) approach to explore the relationships among the variables. The findings underscore a positive correlation between export tax, profit tax, goods and services tax, international trade tax, capital gain tax, and property tax with the poverty rate in Indonesia. Consequently, policymakers and researchers are equipped with guidance to mitigate the poverty rate by curbing property and business taxes.
Keywords: Export Tax, Profit Tax, Goods and Services Tax, International Trade Tax, Capital Gain Tax, Property Tax, Poverty Rate.

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Gunawan Undang1* , Ali Mukti Tanjung2, Tom Maskun3
1Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia Medan 
2Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia Medan
3Program Studi Manajemen, Universitas Al Ghifari Bandung
*Corresponding Author : gunawanundang@gmail.com

This study aims to offer a tourism solution amidst the global pandemic of COVID-19 as well as to introduce a variety of tourism choices located in southern part of West Java province, Indonesia through a digital platform. The digital platform is created using a combination of Laravel and CodeIgniter frameworks which is later called Velniter. A development method utilizing a prototype model SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) consisting of basic need identification, early prototype development, prototype review, and prototype evaluation was employed. This study is able to create a digital platform namely “Pelesir” using such a method. Users of the platform are able to enjoy a variety of tourism types in southern West Java virtually. They are also given information about a tourism destination they are visiting such as gifts, location coordinates, location routes integrated with Google Maps, and brief descriptions. The use of Velniter framework which is a combination of Lravel and CodeIgniter is able to give easier access to develop such a digital platform and provide good security.
Keywords: Combination of framework, Digital platform, Southern of West Java, Tourism.

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Elazhari1, Ali Mukti Tanjung2, Mananda Situmorang3, Isnora Damanik4
1,2,3,4Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia, Medan

Based on the results of data processing, the amount of influence of organizational culture on teacher performance is 35.1%Communication has a direct effect on the performance of teachers at State Junior High Schools in Deli Tua Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, meaning that the better the communication, the better the performance of teachers at the Public Junior High School in Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang Regency. Based on the results of data processing, the influence of communication on teacher performance is 60.6%. Organizational culture and communication together have a direct effect on the performance of teachers in SMP Negeri in Deli Tua Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, meaning that the better the organizational culture and communication, the better the performance of teachers at SMP Negeri in Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang Regency. Based on the results of statistical tests, the effect of organizational culture and communication simultaneously on teacher performance is 82.8% while the remaining 17.2% is influenced by other variables which are not tested in this study.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Communication, Performance Improvement

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Mananda Situmorang1, Ali Mukti Tanjung2, Herianto3
1,2,3Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia, Medan

The results showed that the variable of leadership position selection had a significant effect on the quality of the OPD leadership of the Medan City Government. The better the job selection, the better quality the OPD leadership will be. Thus the quality of the OPD leadership of the Medan City Government can be improved by improving the selection of positions. Career development variables have a significant effect on the quality of OPD leaders in the Medan City Government. The better the career development, the better the quality of the OPD leadership. Thus the quality of the leadership of the OPD of the Medan City Government can be improved by improving career development. The variables of leadership selection and career development simultaneously have a significant relationship with the quality of the OPD leadership of the Medan City Government. The coefficient of determination of Adjusted R is 0.871. This means that 87.10% of the variation in leadership quality can be explained by simultaneous leadership selection and career development, while the remaining 12.90% is explained by other factors, such as employee competency and motivation variables.
Keywords: Job Selection, Career Development, Quality Leadership

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Aji Primanto, Pembinaan Masyarakat University of Indonesia
Ali Mukti Tanjung, Pembinaan Masyarakat University of Indonesia
Mananda Situmorang, Pembinaan Masyarakat University of Indonesia
Ahmad Mukti Karim, Pembinaan Masyarakat University of Indonesia
Linda Puspitasari, Diponegoro University
Nelvitia Purba, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah
Rudy Pramono, Pelita Harapan University
Muhlis, Pembinaan Masyarakat University of Indonesia

Abstract :
Regional cooperation within the framework of intergovernmental networks according to Agranof (2003) is also very useful in identifying common problems and exchanging information between regions, identifying and exchanging technologies or resources that exist in each region, increasing regional capacity, creating strategies or programs together between regions and even joint for policy making. In addition, this regional cooperation is also in line with the principles of governance because it connects the community, government and the private sector in policy making. This study aims to analyze and describe the problems of inter-regional cooperation in improving welfare in Indonesia. By using the literary study method through the results of the 2018 National Economic Survey (Susenas) Research conducted by BPS, and the results are expected to realize the welfare of the community, especially in fulfilling their responsibilities to improve the provision of public services. The results of the conducted research indicated that currently the Inter-Regional Cooperation (KAD) carried out by the Government of Indonesia was not optimal. This is because many Provinces have a high percentage of poverty rate and the absolute number of poor people is still quite high. Where the highest number of poor people in Indonesia is in the East Java Province (4,292.15 thousand people) with a percentage of 11.22%, and the Central Java Province (3,867.42 thousand people) with a percentage of 11.19%. So to overcome these problems, cooperation between regions is required in order to build effective communication and coordination between government agencies in the regions, compiling the Grand Design/Master Plan for Domestic Cooperation for equitable development in the regions; and It is necessary to arrange indicators for the success of the cooperation program as a reference, in carrying out monitoring and evaluation as well as holding coordination meetings in the regions.
Keywords: Inter-Regional Cooperation, Increasing Public Welfare, Reducing Regional Poverty.

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Implementation of the Guidance Policy for Fostered 
Citizens at Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of 
Social Services for Homeless and Beggars Binjai,
Social Service of North Sumatra Province
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
Ali Mukti Tanjung 
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
Tetty Diah Siregar 
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
Khairuddin Tampubolon
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
Bobby Indra Prayoga
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia
Nelvitia Purba
Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah
Rudy Pramono
Universitas Pelita Harapan

Bums and beggars generally reside on the outskirts of the river, the outskirts of railroad tracks with the form of a makeshift residence and some have absolutely no place to live in front of urban shop houses. This raises social problems in cities that disturb the beauty and security of cities because even they can cause criminal problems for other communities. This research site is in the Technical Implementing Unit (TIU) of the North Sumatra Province Social Service. Implementation of Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2008 in the formation of social built citizens in the UPT Environment. Bum Social Services and beggars Binjai North Sumatra Province Social Service with elements; 1) Preentif, in the form of activities carrying out coaching to the community so that they understand and want to prevent something from violating the law by giving understanding or counseling to the community, in the form of counseling, himbauan, announcements, preaching / lectures, brochures / banners, seminars / workshops. 2) Preventive, is a systematic effort to prevent pergress and seeding, which includes social counseling, social guidance, social assistance, expansion of employment opportunities, local settlements, increased degrees of health, and increased education. 3) Responsive in the form of systematic efforts to eliminate and prevent the spread of outlook and erosion in the community environment. By conducting enforcement, assistance, temporary shelter, return to family and community. and 4) Rehabilitative is a process as an effort to restore and subvert the potential of the ability of the citizens who initially bounce off homeless lives and beg to live according to the dignity of independent people to overcome the problems of their lives and their families. The implementation has been carried out according to the procedure with good results.
Keywords: Beggars, Fostered Citizens, Homeless, Policy Implementation, Sosial Services

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Ali Mukti Tanjung1, Budi Alamsyah Siregar2, Ahmad Karim3, Ari Kartiko4, Dian Saputra5
Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia1,2,3,5
Institut Pesantren Kh. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto4
Email : alimuktitanjung445@gmail.com, bs20.siregar@gmail.com, 
ahmadkarimk1973ok@gmail.com, ari.kartiko5@gmail.com, saputra356@gmail.com

This study aims to determine how much influence planning has on teacher performance in public elementary schools throughout Pagar Merbau District, Deli Serdang Regency. Knowing how much influencers teachers’ performance in SD Negeri in Pagar Merbau District, Deli Serdang Regency. Knowing how much influence planning and organization have on teacher performance in Public Elementary Schools in Pagar Merbau District, Deli Serdang Regency. This type of research is categorized as field research, namely research carried out in the arena or field where symptoms occur. The results of this study were planning on teacher performance of 0.245 or 24.5%. These results indicate that the planning variable has a low influence on teacher performance in public elementary schools throughout Pagar Merbau District Deli Serdang Regency by 0.245 or 24.5%. Organization of 0.712 or 71.2%. These results indicate that the organizing variable has a strong influence on teacher performance of 0.712 or 71.2%. Planning and organizing on teacher performance is 0.746 or 74.6%, which means that we can conclude from the third hypothesis that it is proven that there is a strong influence between the two independent variables on the dependent variable.
Kata kunci : Teacher Planning, Organizing and Performance

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Social Policy in the Implementation of Concurrent Government Affairs in 
the Nias Archipelago Area, Indonesia
Ali Mukti Tanjung1, Gunawan Undang2, Aji Primanto3
1Magister Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Pembinaan Masyarakat Indonesia, Medan
*Corresponding Author Email : alimuktitanjung445@gmail.com

The implementation of social policies for Concurrent Government Affairs in the Nias Archipelago Area, Sumatera Utara Province, is still experiencing inequality, especially from the aspect of budget allocation. This article aims to analyze these problems, using a qualitative descriptive method, data sourced from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (2022). We use data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that (1) out of 33 regencies/cities in Sumatera Utara Province, 5 regencies/cities in the Nias Archipelago Area, namely Nias Regency, Nias Selatan Regency, Nias Utara Regency, Nias Barat Regency, and Gunungsitoli City experienced significant imbalances in budget extreme allocations with 28 non-island (mainland) regions and below the provincial average. The lack of social policies will have a significant effect on the implementation of Optional Concurrent Government Affairs in the archipelago; and (2) Conceptually, it is important to pay attention to the principles of accountability, efficiency, externality, and national strategic interests in treating archipelagic areas through increased transfer funds – including the General Allocation Fund (DAU) and the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) – as specifically regulated in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Local Government. It is hoped that the novelty of this research can become material for evaluating policies of the central and provincial governments. This research can have implications for accelerating development, especially in island areas.
Keywords: social policy, concurrent affairs, Nias Archipelago

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Penerbit : CV. Sentosa Deli Mandiri
ISBN : 978-623-6444-22-1
Penulis : Dr. H. Ali Mukti Tanjung, Drs.,SH.,MM
Terbit : Januari 2024
Buku : Pdf


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